A fun and versatile puzzle game that is a combination of a puzzle and a driving track. The puzzle game has a 20-piece colorful puzzle that makes up Moomin Valley and its surrounding areas. In addition, the package also contains the required parts of the track and Mörkö, which can be pulled to start. A great game for over 3 year olds.
Assemble the Moomin Valley puzzle track on a flat hard surface. Add the control pieces between the pieces of the puzzle with the groove side up and add the gears to the branching points of the track. When the track is ready, start the Mörkö carefully by turning the key, place the steering wheel located at the bottom of the Mörkö in the groove of the puzzle track and let go. Watch as Mörkö slides around Moomin Valley! When Mörkö stops, pull it again. Joy for all little Moomin fans! Number of pieces 20. Age recommendation 3+.
Language FI, SV, NO, DA, EN
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A fun and versatile puzzle game that is a combination of a puzzle and a driving track. The puzzle game has a 20-piece colorful puzzle that makes up Moomin Valley and its surrounding areas. In addition, the package also contains the required parts of the track and Mörkö, which can be pulled to start. A great game for over 3 year olds.