Moomin Kitchen Tea Towel Teaparty Flower 50 x 70 cm
17,11 €
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Good quality and pleasant feeling Moomin kitchen towel. The material is 50% linen and 50% cotton, and it meets the Oeko-Tex 100 standard. The size of the towel is 50 x 70 cm and it can be washed in a washing machine at 40°C. The base color of the towel is white and it has a hanging loop.
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Good quality and pleasant feeling Moomin kitchen towel. The material is 50% linen and 50% cotton, and it meets the Oeko-Tex 100 standard. The size of the towel is 50 x 70 cm and it can be washed in a washing machine at 40°C. The base color of the towel is white and it has a hanging loop.