Little Findus Soft Toy from Pettson and Findus Books
22,80 €
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A very cheerful Findus bean soft toy whose height is 24 cm. Thanks to the bean filling, the plush stays on well, and it feels both soft and flexible. As a children's friend, for games, as a decoration or as a sleeping companion.
The children's book series Findus ja Pettson written by Sven Nordqvist, known for its illustrations full of details and puns, tells the story of the inventive Pettson, his cat Findus and their lives. Findus is not quite an ordinary cat, but a playful rascal who walks on his hind legs, chats with Pettson, and often comes up with pranks. Findus and Pettson live together with the chickens in a small farmhouse. Together, this couple ends up in the funniest situations, and there is a great friendship between them.
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A very cheerful Findus bean soft toy whose height is 24 cm. Thanks to the bean filling, the plush stays on well, and it feels both soft and flexible. As a children's friend, for games, as a decoration or as a sleeping companion.