Moomin General Purpose Scissors 21 cm Party Juhlat
32,99 €
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Moomin Juhlat Arabia.
Celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Moomin with Fiskars universal scissors, available in limited quantities. The multi-purpose scissors are made of high-quality stainless steel and have precision-ground edges that stay sharper for longer, allowing you to cut along the entire length of the blade. The lightweight, ergonomically shaped handle ensures comfort and a sense of control. Made in Finland, hand-tested.
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Moomin Juhlat Arabia.
Celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Moomin with Fiskars universal scissors, available in limited quantities. The multi-purpose scissors are made of high-quality stainless steel and have precision-ground edges that stay sharper for longer, allowing you to cut along the entire length of the blade. The lightweight, ergonomically shaped handle ensures comfort and a sense of control. Made in Finland, hand-tested.