Moomin Birch Tray Winter Sliding Downhill Arabia 2023 20 x 27 cm
26,22 €
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Moominpa has decided that this winter the Moomins will not hibernate. The competitive Mr. Brisk arrives in Moomin Valley and challenges everyone to try winter sports. After hearing that he was allowed to win in the snow war, Mr. Brisk demands revenge from Edward in the downhill race. Moomin Arabia, tray 27x20, Mäenlasku
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Moominpa has decided that this winter the Moomins will not hibernate. The competitive Mr. Brisk arrives in Moomin Valley and challenges everyone to try winter sports. After hearing that he was allowed to win in the snow war, Mr. Brisk demands revenge from Edward in the downhill race. Moomin Arabia, tray 27x20, Mäenlasku