The linen-colored Taika mug designed by artist Klaus Haapaniemi was made to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Taika series. It presents Haapaniemi's flight of imagination: the majestic Kurki walks on a peat bog surrounded by water lilies. The generous sized Mug is perfect for tea and other hot drinks.
Bring magic into your home with this enchanting object from the Taika series.
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The linen-colored Taika mug designed by artist Klaus Haapaniemi was made to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Taika series. It presents Haapaniemi's flight of imagination: the majestic Kurki walks on a peat bog surrounded by water lilies. The generous sized Mug is perfect for tea and other hot drinks.
Bring magic into your home with this enchanting object from the Taika series.