Savonia Stainless Steel Coffee Spoon Set of Six Puutarhurit
27,90 €
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The Savonia series, designed by Adolf Babel for Hackman in the 1960s, has already become a standard in its field, and the best-selling tableware series of all time in Finland.
The set contains six coffee spoons. You can never have too many small spoons. Savonia's coffee spoons in a set of six are a great addition to any home. The coffee spoon is sized to fit a small coffee cup.
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The Savonia series, designed by Adolf Babel for Hackman in the 1960s, has already become a standard in its field, and the best-selling tableware series of all time in Finland.
The set contains six coffee spoons. You can never have too many small spoons. Savonia's coffee spoons in a set of six are a great addition to any home. The coffee spoon is sized to fit a small coffee cup.