Iittala Oiva Toikka Glass Mini Birds Mix Decor Set of 3
60,63 €
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The miniature versions of Oiva Toika's Sieppo glass birds are the perfect addition to Christmas decorations. They have a unique charm and a sophisticated, elegant shape. These miniature glass birds are sold in packages of three colors: rain, brown and linen. The decorations have a hanging ribbon. Glass bird ornaments are a beautiful gift for a friend or a lovely memory for yourself.
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The miniature versions of Oiva Toika's Sieppo glass birds are the perfect addition to Christmas decorations. They have a unique charm and a sophisticated, elegant shape. These miniature glass birds are sold in packages of three colors: rain, brown and linen. The decorations have a hanging ribbon. Glass bird ornaments are a beautiful gift for a friend or a lovely memory for yourself.