Iittala Oiva Toikka Glass Mini Birds Red Decor Set of 3
60,63 €
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Inspired by Oiva Toika's Sieppo glass birds, the small red bird ornaments are the perfect addition to Christmas decorations. The colorful ornaments have a textile ribbon for easy hanging. The decorations are sold in a sturdy box, where they are also stored safely. Decorations are a wonderful gift that is passed down from generation to generation and brings Christmas joy to every home.
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Inspired by Oiva Toika's Sieppo glass birds, the small red bird ornaments are the perfect addition to Christmas decorations. The colorful ornaments have a textile ribbon for easy hanging. The decorations are sold in a sturdy box, where they are also stored safely. Decorations are a wonderful gift that is passed down from generation to generation and brings Christmas joy to every home.